رحلة بورصة 2024 : يوم كامل من المتعة في بآقل تكلفة

رحلة بورصة هي رحلة يومية تنطلق من اسطنبول الساعة 8 صباحا . تكلفة الرحلة هي 250 ليرة تركي شاملة الغداء و التوصيل من و الي الفندق . نزور في رحلة بورصة محطات مميزة بداية من جامع بورصة ، ثم تلفريك بورصة ، ثم الشجرة المعمرة ، ثم معامل العسل و الحلقوم ، و اسواق بورصة ، بالاضافة الي سوق الحرير و من ثم العودة الي اسطنبول الساعة 10 مساءا

رحلة بورصة من اسطنبول يوم واحد

رحلة بورصة من اسطنبول مع جروب سياحى

الاماكن التى نزورها في رحلة بورصة الخضرا
رحلة بورصة بسيارة خاصة تشمل
- برنامج سياحى متكامل داخل المدينة
- سيارة مرسيدس فيتو حديثة
- سائق محترف
- رسوم العبارة
رحلة بورصة بسيارة خاصة لا تشمل
- الغداء
- رسوم تذاكر ركوب التلفريك
- رسوم
اسعار رحلة بورصة بسيارة خاصة
تشمل | سيارة مرسيدس فيتو – البرنامج |
لا تشمل | التلفريك المغلق – الانشطة الاضافية – الغدا |
تكلفة الرحلة | 220 دولار للسيارة |
مواعيد الرحلة | حسب الاتفاق |
هل رحلة بورصة تستحق الزيارة ؟

جبل اولوداغ من رحلة بورصة

اطول رحلة جبل فى منطقة الاناضول و مرمرة و يتميز بأرتفاعه الشاهق حيث يبلغ ارتفاعه 2543 متر و يقام عليه الكثير الانشطة بالاخص فى فصل الشتاء مثل التزلج على الجليد و هو اشهر المعالم السياحية في رحلة بورصة من اسطنبول و هذا هو موقعه على خريطة جوجل
هو رحلة و وجهة شهيرة لمحبي التزلج الشتاء في رحلة بورصة والتنزه في الصيف. يمكنك الوصول إلى قمته بواسطة التلفريك والاستمتاع بالمناظر البانورامية الرائعة. يحتوي الجبل على العديد المنتجعات السياحية والفنادق التي توفر خدمات ممتازة للزوار.
” سعر تذكرة تلفريك رحلة بورصة الخضرا “
الشجرة المعمرة في رحلة بورصة تركيا

شجرة تاريخية و اقدم شجرة فى المدينة و عمرها ما يقارب 615 عام وفروعها ممتدة بشكل كبيرة
و ينتشر المقاهى و المطاعم تحت ظل الشجرة و تعد افضل الاماكن السياحية التى توجد فى بورصه
الجامع الكبير في رحلة بورصة

اول جامع فى الدولة العثمانية و احدى اروع التحف الباقية العصر العثمانى و يقع فى قلب المدينة و يتميز ب شكله المعمارى الرائع و يزوره المسافرون العرب على مدار العام
الشلال الكبير في رحلة بورصة
يعرف ايضا بأسم شلال مصطفى كمال باشا و هو افضل المزارات السياحية حيث يبلغ ارتفاع الشلال 38 متر مع صوت خرير المياه و يمكنكم التقاط الصور التذكارية او التخييم بجانبه لعشاق التخييم
حديقة حيوانات رحلة بورصة تركيا

افضل حدائق الحيوانات الموجودة فى تركيا و تم افتتاحها عام 1998 م و تضمن مجموعة الحيوانات مثل الاسود و النمور بالاضافة الى الحيوانات الاخرى , يمكنكم عمل جولة داخل الحديقة
الينابيع الساخنة في رحلة بورصة تركيا

تقع فى غرب المدينة ولا سيما اصبحت وجهة لجميع المسافرون الشرق الاوسط وهذا لتصميمها الرائع و فوائدها العلاجية الرائعة حيث تحتوى بعض الينابيع على نسب الكبرين مع درجة حرار تصل الى 80 درجة
( فيديو )
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We pich you up from your hotels and start at 08:30. We will pass to Asian side of Istanbul by driving
by bosphorus bridge which has stunning view. will get into ferry in Asian side of Istanbul to Yalova.
You will have a great voyage to take photo of amazing sea view. We will visit Green Mosque and Green Tomb. Then we will climb up mountain by cable car.
The journey by Cable Car which you can find all city under your feet
and see lots of tree species in the forest
will take 15 minutes and you will want to take photo in every seconds. We will have lunch on the
mountain with barbecue.\ After lunch, we will go up the top of mountain by bus which is 2.486 metres above sea level.
Next, You will see amazing old tree which is more than 600 years old. After you come back to Istanbul, you will want to go again
Eskihisar port and take ferry to Topcular. Enjoying the lovely country and seaside. Ferry takes about 45 minutes than drive to , former Ottoman Capital.
Drive to Uludag mountain by bus for barbeque lunch.
What You Will Expect
You will have free time for Atv safari or ski motor and skiing (in winter).
and gardens located across its urban tissue, as well as to the vast
forests in rich variety that extend in its surrounding region.
The city is synonymous with the mountain Uludag which towers behind the city
core and which is also a famous ski resort. The mausoleums of early Ottoman
sultans are located in and the numerous edifices built throughout the Ottoman period constitute the city’s main landmarks. The surrounding fertile plain, its thermal baths, several
interesting museums, notably a rich museum of
archaeology, and a rather orderly urban growth are further principal elements that complete Bursa’s overall picture.
is amongst the most spectacular cities of Turkey, blending history and nature inside it. has a historical importance because it was the first capital city of the Great Ottoman Empire. . In addition it is famous for its greenness, winter beauties and so on. Our route is that; Fabrika of sweets,Inkaya Village,Uludağ Mountain,Cable Car,Green Mosque. Of then you will meet with group friends and professianal guide at the meeting point. .
Full Day with lunch in city
of its weather and the green forest and Uludag mountain.
teaching Quran, and the green graveyard which belongs to sultan Mehmet Shalabi and his sons.
Uludag mountain: The green mountain is 2543 meters height,
and its always covered with white and green color in winter and summer. We use the cable car to go to the top of it. We are the only company which offers barbeque lunch.
Don’t forget to follow us by Instagram to get discount.
Day Trip to from Istanbul,
is located in the northwest of the Anatolian Peninsula,
Turkey’s fourth largest city in the outskirts of the Uludag. The city, has a transition position
between Marmara and Aegean regions, is the gateway of Asia to the west on the historical Silk Road. Bursa has been a home to many civilizations throughout the history, is a settlement with unique
textures with over 2000 cultural, historical and monumental structures.
, bears traces of Byzantine, Ottoman and Republican periods, i
s an important cultural stop with the works of the Ottoman Empire and works of
Turkish Islamic architecture. Uludag is Turkey’s the largest ski
resort; with snow depth and quality it’s Turkey’s most important winter sports center with modern runway.
Places to visit in
Yıldırım, Osmangazi and Nilüfer districts constitute the central districts of. In addition to the tombs of Osman Gazi and Orhan Gazi, there are many
Islamic places in except the sultans and princes in.
In the Hanlar Region, which reflects the economic vitality of
and located in the city center, there are all important historical buildings and grand bazaars. The Venue (Kent Meydanı Shopping Mall) is the most crowded shopping center in the city.
1 – Ulu Cami (Ulu Mosque)
Ulu Mosque (Ulu Cami) is one of the oldest mosques of the Turkish Islamic world,
The most important characteristic of the religious structure on
it is considered to be the most classical and monumental
example of the multi-legged mosque scheme.
2. Hanlar Region
In 1492 II. Being built on a wide area between
Gazi Orhan Bey
Mosque and Ulu Cami, which was built by Beyazıt,
the Khanlar
Region has been an important trade center for centuries thanks to its location and especially its textile development.
Hanlar Region, which is located in the Old Town, has many historical buildings especially Koza Han. For many years, there are many shops that sell
local products in
the region that hosts blacksmiths, archers, and Hand Made Gifts.
3- Kozahan
Kozahan, which is located very near to the Ulu Mosque, is a building consisting of 40 stone domes. Kozahan, which has a total of 95 rooms on the top floor and 45 on the lower floor,
was the most important address of the city where silkworm
cocoons were sold at the time.
On the upper floor with a door opening to the south, Orhan Mosque on the lower side and the
doors opening to the north of the inn on the north side,
the big stone gate opening to the north decorated with tiled tiles. Kozahan inner courtyard, which has a domed mosque
with six fountains in its courtyard, nowadays serves as a café and tea garden.
In 1492 II. Being built on a wide area between
Gazi Orhan Bey
Mosque and Ulu Cami, which was built by Beyazıt,
the Khanlar
Region has been an important trade center for centuries thanks to its location and especially its textile development.
Hanlar Region, which is located in the Old Town, has many historical buildings especially Koza Han. For many years, there are many shops that sell
local products in
the region that hosts blacksmiths, archers, and Hand Made Gifts.
3- Kozahan
Kozahan, which is located very near to the Ulu Mosque, is a building consisting of 40 stone domes. Kozahan, which has a total of 95 rooms on the top floor and 45 on the lower floor,
was the most important address of the city where silkworm
cocoons were sold at the time.
Exploring: A Perfect Day Trip from Istanbul
Located just a few hours from Istanbul, Bursa is a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, offers a unique blend of historical landmarks, lush green landscapes, and delicious cuisine. Whether you’re interested in exploring its rich history, relaxing in its thermal baths, or enjoying outdoor adventures, a day trip to Bursa from Istanbul is a must-do experience.
1. Getting to from Istanbul
Traveling from Istanbul to Bursa is relatively easy, with several transportation options available. The most popular way is to take a ferry from Istanbul’s Yenikapı or Kabataş docks to Mudanya, a town on the coast near Bursa. The ferry ride takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, offering beautiful views of the Sea of Marmara. From Mudanya, you can take a bus or taxi to Bursa, which takes approximately 30 minutes.
Alternatively, you can drive directly from Istanbul to Bursa via the Osmangazi Bridge, which spans the Sea of Marmara. The drive takes around 2.5 hours, depending on traffic. Organized tours are also available, providing a convenient and stress-free way to explore Bursa.
2. Discovering the History of Bursa
is often referred to as “Yeşil Bursa” (Green Bursa) due to its many parks, gardens, and surrounding forests. However, it is also a city steeped in history, particularly from the early days of the Ottoman Empire.
Start your day by visiting the Ulu Cami (Grand Mosque), one of the most significant landmarks in Bursa. Built between 1396 and 1399 by Sultan Bayezid I, this mosque is a stunning example of early Ottoman architecture, with its 20 domes, intricate calligraphy, and peaceful courtyard. The mosque is located in the city center, making it a convenient first stop on your tour.
Next, head to the Green Mosque (Yeşil Camii) and the adjacent Green Tomb (Yeşil Türbe). These sites, built during the reign of Sultan Mehmed I, are famous for their beautiful green tiles, which give the structures their names. The Green Mosque and Tomb are fine examples of Ottoman art and architecture, and their serene atmosphere provides a moment of tranquility during your busy day.
For a deeper dive into Bursa’s history, visit the Bursa City Museum, which offers exhibits on the city’s development from ancient times to the present day. The museum provides valuable context for the city’s historical sites and is a great way to understand the significance of Bursa in Turkish history.
3. Exploring the Cultural Riches of
Bursa is also known for its rich cultural heritage, which is reflected in its markets, cuisine, and local traditions. After exploring the historical sites, take some time to experience the local culture.
A visit to the Koza Han, a historic silk market, is a must. Located near the Grand Mosque, Koza Han was built in 1491 as a caravanserai, where silk traders from across the region would gather to buy and sell their goods. Today, it remains a vibrant market where you can shop for silk scarves, textiles, and other traditional items. The courtyard of Koza Han is also a great place to enjoy a cup of Turkish tea while taking in the ambiance.
For lunch, indulge in some of Bursa’s famous cuisine. The city is renowned for its İskender kebab, a dish of thinly sliced lamb or beef served over pieces of pita bread, topped with tomato sauce and melted butter, and accompanied by yogurt. This hearty meal is named after its inventor, İskender Efendi, who first created the dish in Bursa in the 19th century. Many restaurants in claim to serve the original İskender kebab, so be sure to try this local specialty during your visit.
After lunch, take a stroll through the Cumalıkızık Village, a charming and well-preserved Ottoman village located just outside of Bursa. The village is known for its cobblestone streets, traditional houses, and friendly locals. It’s a great place to explore on foot, and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time as you wander through its narrow alleys. Don’t forget to visit the village’s small market, where you can buy local handicrafts and homemade jams.
4. Relaxing i Thermal Baths
Bursa has been famous for its thermal baths since Roman times, and no trip to the city is complete without experiencing one of these rejuvenating baths. The thermal waters of Bursa are rich in minerals and are believed to have healing properties.
One of the most famous thermal baths in is the Çekirge Thermal Baths, located in the Çekirge district. This historic bathhouse has been in operation for centuries and offers a traditional Turkish bath experience in a beautiful setting. Relax in the warm waters, enjoy a soothing massage, and let the stresses of daily life melt away.
For a more luxurious experience, you can visit one of the many upscale spa hotels in Bursa, which offer a range of thermal treatments, including mud baths, aromatherapy, and massage. These modern facilities combine the healing power of the thermal waters with contemporary amenities, making them a perfect way to unwind after a day of sightseeing.
5. Outdoor Adventures: Uludağ National Park
For nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, a visit to Uludağ National Park is a must. Uludağ, also known as Mount Olympus of Mysia, is the highest mountain in western Anatolia and a popular destination for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities.
In the winter months, Uludağ is one of Turkey’s premier ski resorts, attracting visitors from all over the country. The ski season typically runs from December to March, and the mountain offers a variety of slopes for all skill levels, as well as modern facilities and equipment rentals.
In the warmer months, Uludağ transforms into a paradise for hikers and nature lovers. The mountain is crisscrossed with well-marked trails that take you through lush forests, alpine meadows, and past crystal-clear streams. The views from the summit are breathtaking, offering panoramic vistas of and the surrounding region.
For a more relaxed experience, you can take the Uludağ cable car (Teleferik) from Bursa to the mountain. The cable car ride offers stunning views of the city and the surrounding countryside, and it’s a great way to enjoy the natural beauty of Uludağ without the physical exertion of hiking.
6. Returning to Istanbul
After a full day of exploring Bursa, it’s time to head back to Istanbul. If you’ve driven, simply retrace your route via the Osmangazi Bridge. If you took the ferry, head back to Mudanya and enjoy the relaxing journey across the Sea of Marmara.
As you sail back to Istanbul, take a moment to reflect on your day in Bursa. From its rich history and vibrant culture to its natural beauty and culinary delights, Bursa offers a diverse and unforgettable experience that perfectly complements your time in Istanbul.
A day trip to Bursa from Istanbul is a journey through time and nature. Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s historical landmarks, indulging in its famous cuisine, or enjoying outdoor adventures, Bursa has something for everyone. With its close proximity to Istanbul, Bursa is the perfect destination for a day trip that will leave you with lasting memories of Turkey’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.